A global survey conducted between 2022 and 2023 revealed that most companies identified higher wages, improved talent progression opportunities, and effective reskilling/upskilling programs as the most critical practices for enhancing talent availability [source]. Unsurprisingly, this has led to year-on-year growth in the workplace training industry, with its market size reaching 383 billion US dollars in 2023.

When you consider the average spending per employee on learning and development, which reached $1,300 per employee, there is no doubt that companies have to re-evaluate the development areas they invest in. 

To help you with that, we’ve prepared a list of development areas to focus on and some tips on using Learning Management Systems to achieve L&D goals in your organization. 

The growing importance of soft skills in employee development

Traditionally, learning and development initiatives focused on technical skills. However, with more automation and artificial intelligence coming into play across various job tasks, training has to go beyond technical expertise and hard skills. We’re not saying they’re not valuable anymore, but many leaders tend to turn toward other areas, such as communication and problem-solving skills. Soft skills, often called “human skills,” greatly influence work satisfaction and a sense of meaning in the workplace. 

According to the Linkedin Workplace Learning Report 2024, “human skills” experienced the highest year-over-year growth rates among Learning & Development professionals. These were: 

  • interpersonal skills (73% growth)
  • presentation skills (64%)
  • problem solving (57%)
  • people management (57%). 

List of employee development areas and how to enhance them with LMS

In 2022, L&D professionals identified leadership and management skills as the most important aspect of employee training. Digital upskilling has also emerged as a new area of focus. However, these are not the only ones to focus on in 2024.

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1. Leadership skills

Strong leadership skills are essential for building successful teams. Your training can cover various topics, such as how to:

  • build strong teams 
  • develop and communicate a clear vision
  • motivate team members
  • delegate tasks
  • communicate and listen actively 
  • provide feedback
  • resolve conflicts
  • establish trust. 

E-learning platforms can offer employees access to leadership development courses and training programs that cover the abovementioned aspects. You can use your Learning Management System to create classes with video lectures, quizzes, and case studies. Interactive simulations can place employees in realistic leadership scenarios where they can make decisions and receive feedback on their leadership style. Then, your employees can practice their skills further through collaborative projects and discussions with their colleagues. 

2. Management skills

You’ve probably heard the phrase: Employees don’t leave companies; they leave their managers. That is why managerial skills are crucial for creating a thriving working environment. Include in your course modules tips on how to: 

  • organize projects
  • build teams
  • allocate resources (budget, time, people)
  • prioritize tasks
  • set SMART goals
  • analyze the effectiveness of processes
  • mediate disagreements
  • measure performance.

Use your LMS to create courses that cover core management functions in theory, providing employees with essential tools such as project charters and meeting agendas. Then, present them with realistic management scenarios where they can make decisions, analyze outcomes, and receive feedback on their approach. Think about tailoring learning paths based on individual needs and skill gaps, and microlearning approach as it is one of the most effective techniques for employees with busy schedules.

3. Communication skills

Effective communication is a skill that every team member should possess to cooperate with other colleagues. Without it, sharing ideas and working together towards common goals can be hard or even impossible. E-courses can cover various aspects of communication, such as how to:

  • deliver information in a clear way
  • communicate verbally and in writing
  • communicate during online meetings
  • exchange information 
  • communicate concerns
  • share different points of view
  • listen actively
  • address conflicts.

Thanks to LMS, you can provide your employees access to online training to help them improve their communication skills. LMS can provide realistic simulations where employees practice in a safe environment. It can involve role-playing challenging conversations with colleagues, clients, and superiors. It is also a perfect platform to practice communication in writing. 

4. Digital skills

Besides soft skills, digital upskilling has recently emerged as a crucial aspect of workplace training. This type of course equips employees with skills they need to adapt to new  technologies, such as how to: 

  • use digital platforms and tools
  • automate repetitive tasks
  • utilize data analytics
  • collaborate through digital platforms.

LMSs provide various engaging formats that make digital upskilling less challenging. These courses include video lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, interactive exercises, and simulated labs. Additionally, dedicated online forums allow employees to discuss best practices for using digital tools and learn from each other. 

5. Problem-solving skills

Courses focused on troubleshooting help improve critical thinking and analytical skills extensively. They can teach employees, for example, how to: 

  • identify problems and their root causes
  • analyze information critically
  • brainstorm potential solutions
  • think creatively
  • analyze risks
  • make decisions
  • implement recovery plans
  • monitor progress 
  • evaluate actions taken. 

With LMS, learners can practice problem-solving during online discussions and access problem-solving tools, like flowcharts, decision matrices, and mind-mapping software. 

6. Time management skills

Time management skills allow individuals to meet deadlines and manage their workload effectively. Consider courses that show them how to:

  • prioritize tasks
  • estimate the time needed to complete tasks
  • assess deadlines 
  • schedule tasks
  • anticipate roadblocks
  • minimize distractions
  • stay focused 
  • avoid stress
  • communicate changes to the schedule. 

Effective training methods include video lectures with practical tips, interactive exercises on using task management tools, and time-tracking software to practice prioritizing tasks in simulated scenarios, quizzes, and assessments. You can integrate gamification elements like points, badges, and leaderboards to make the learning process more engaging. 

7. Adaptability skills

Adaptability skills in the workplace mean the ability to adjust effectively to changes in the work environment, overcome challenges, and embrace new situations. They encompass topics such as how to: 

  • approach challenges
  • analyze new situations
  • negotiate
  • adjust courses of action
  • embrace new tools
  • find innovative solutions
  • step outside a comfort zone
  • behave under pressure.

Exchanging ideas and perspectives with other learners and using multimedia resources available on the platform can be a valuable way to learn effective adaptability techniques. Through simulations, learners can practice responding to unexpected situations, managing stress, and overcoming obstacles.

8. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a set of abilities that allows employees to understand, manage, and express their own emotions and perceive, interpret, and respond to the feelings of others. Your training programs can cover various topics, such as how to:

  • understand own emotions
  • recognize triggering situations
  • manage emotions
  • calm down under stressful situations
  • understand nonverbal cues
  • navigate difficult conversations
  • listen actively.

You can present emotional intelligence topics, such as self-awareness and self-regulation, on LMS platforms. Make sure to incorporate group activities within the LMS that involve role-playing real-world scenarios and exercises for self-assessment and emotional regulation. 

Benefits of using LMS for employee development

A 2023 survey of US training companies revealed that online learning tools and systems were the most sought-after training resource, with 43% of respondents planning to purchase them. Games and simulations followed closely, with 41% of respondents indicating their intent to acquire them [source]. There are several reasons for the popularity of Learning Management Systems:


One of the significant benefits of using an LMS for employee development is its cost-effectiveness. LMS platforms offer savings by reducing the need for classroom training, travel, and printed materials. Employees can access training modules and courses at their own pace and from any location, eliminating the need for expensive on-site training. Moreover, many LMS platforms offer subscription-based pricing models, which can help organizations save money effectively.

Customized learning

Another benefit of using an LMS for employee development is the ability to offer customized learning experiences. LMS platforms provide personalized training modules and courses tailored to individual employee needs and skill levels. This customized learning approach ensures that employees receive relevant and meaningful training for their roles and career development.

Convenience and flexibility

LMS platforms offer convenience and flexibility, allowing employees to access training modules and courses anytime and anywhere. As a result, employees can fit training and development into their schedules without taking time off work. LMS platforms also offer flexibility regarding the types of training and development available, as they provide access to a wide range of courses and modules.

Training program tracking 

LMS platforms offer comprehensive tracking and reporting, enabling organizations to monitor employee progress and performance, such as course completion and assessment scores. This data can be used to identify employee strengths and weaknesses and to track progress toward development goals. Managers can use detailed reports for compliance purposes and to adjust company training programs. Indeed, 10 percent of US-based L&D professionals regarded tracking skills development as their top priority. 

Leverage employee development with LMS 

Employee development is a critical aspect of professional growth and career advancement. Learning Management Systems offer employees an effective and convenient way to access training modules and courses that align with their learning goals and job responsibilities. By utilizing the benefits of LMS platforms, employees can develop new skills, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and advance their careers.

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